Title: Guests: |
Historic Affairs: Biases & Conflict Peeko, & Sumi |
Type: | Presentation |
Date: | Friday, 26 February 2021 |
Time: | 18:00 CDT - 19:00 CDT |
Location: | The Havoc on Twitch |
Streaming: | HistoryKid Live Stream |
Availability: | Open to the Public |
Archived Event
This event has already occurred and has been archived. You can re-watch the stream via the YouTube video above or view the slide deck by clicking on the MH Catalogue number to the right. You do not need to be logged in to access either one, but you will need MS Powerpoint or another similar presentation software to view the slide deck. All slide decks have had their modification features disabled.
What are some of the major problems in history as a profession? Biases, understanding conflict, and resolving stigmas is a major key part of the job. But what kinds of biases present themselves, and how can historians, educators, and scholars go about resolving those issues? We'll take a look at some case studies, examples, and resolutions to those problems in this episode.