Articles Archive

Historical articles that reach across time from the days of Nero to the the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, history is a perpetual state of reality.

Articles may include larger capstone research projects, short publications, or monthly articles (including fan's choice from Facebook).  The most recent are listed here, with a link to the category archives in the bottom right corner of the content section.

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  • Planning Gone Typical: The Schlieffen Plan

    We have all heard the saying before: “No plan ever survives the first contact.” Sometimes that plan goes so awry that it no longer maintains its operational integrity. Unfortunately—or fortunately—for the German forces invading France in 1914, their operational plans worked only in theory. Much like the American Rainbow Plans of the interwar, the Schlieffen Plan was an operational plan that was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen for the invasion of France. It was first conceived in 1905 but saw multiple revisions up to the date of Germany’s first aggressive movement towards its neighbor. The plan was straightforward enough, consisting of multiple prongs of effort designed to ensnare and wrap around the enemy to quickly cut off supply and logistics from their rear. However, the plan was deafened to its own logistical shortcomings as well. These prongs of effort consisted of breaching the Northern French border through Belgium and

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“Now I Am Become Death”: Robbert Oppenheimer – From Hero to Traitor

The article below was a term research paper composed during my Sophomore Year.  I’ve left it largely as it was at the time with a few minor changes for grammar and flow.  The reflection focuses on Robbert Oppenheimer and his change in posture from the forefront of atomic weapons research