
The term “mound builder” collectively refers to an indigenous people who used earthen mounds for a various assortment of purposes.  In some instances, mounds were used as mass graves, or single graves for important or divine individuals.  In other instances, they were used for ceremonial purposes.  The mounds, in manyContinue Reading

Over the last couple of years, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen an uptick in coverage in the media.  Ranging from helpful things like extrapolating information from expansive articles and providing valuable step-off points for writing prompts, to more malicious uses such as art theft and deep fakes, AI is sadlyContinue Reading

Hello everyone, As we press into 2024, I want to thank all our visitors who have contributed to another successful year in learning and promoting education.  History is a fickle thing that is always changing, and that is always a struggle – but much of the intrigue.  With the transitionContinue Reading

The modern incarnation of Army War Reserves (AWR) traces its history to the former Army War Reserve Support Command (AWRSPTCMD). More than just a jumbling of letters in an acronym, the AWRSPTCMD is the forerunner to one of the current core missions of the modern Army Sustainment Command (ASC). AWRSPTCMDContinue Reading